Let’s Rock and Roll!

There are no rocks where we live.  Hubby loves that he can dig a hole to plant something without using a pick. One of the elements of our landscape design is rocks.  Lots of rocks!   So where do we go to get rocks?  Well fortunately not far from our house is a rock store. What’s that? You have never bought a rock before? Well neither had we but they do sell them.  We went rock shopping and bought all types of rocks from small egg rock to Colorado Boulders, and everything in between. They deliver and will set the boulders, for a fee of course. We had the small egg rock and the larger boulders delivered. The egg rock came in a large bag called a Super Sack and the others we hand picked. The larger boulders posed a problem because they were so heavy but have no fear! Super Engineer is here!


Hubby designed us a system to get the big boulders where we needed them.  It involved a furniture dolly, a small piece of plywood, many additional boards that were moved ahead of the dolly and alot of grunting! (Some head scratching too!)  We were afraid we looked like 2 of the 3 stooges getting them into place so we tried to do it in between cars driving by.  Later we learned the lady that mans the model homes was watching the whole thing. Oh well! We did give in and let the rock store set the largest boulder.

Colorado Cobble at the rock store.
Colorado Cobble at the rock store.
Some of the rocks we selected.
Some of the rocks we selected.
Foundation Hubby made so largest rock wouldn't be too heavy where it over hung onto the patio.
Foundation Hubby made so the the largest rock wouldn’t be too heavy where it hung over onto the patio. This is in the backyard and this bed will be completed next spring.
Delivery time!
Delivery time!
Here the biggest boulder is on the truck. It doesn't look that big up here.
This is the biggest boulder on the truck. It doesn’t look that big up here.
Boulder being set.
Boulder being set. It is just the right size and shape to make an extra seat!
Here is the big guy after placement with his two little boulder buddies.
Here is the big guy after placement with his two little boulder buddies.
We also added these Arkansas Blue patio stones so we can step across this bed in the back.
We also added these Arkansas Blue patio stones so we can step across this bed in the back.


We found this little guy to guard our front flowerbed. Isn't he cute?
We found this little guy to guard our front flowerbed. Isn’t he cute?

A river cuts through a rock not because of its power, but its persistence.

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